Monday, May 28, 2007

Mount Sinai

Well, aaaahhhhh...... So very good. To all those who did not make it, I pity you. Okay pity is maybe not the best word, so lets just say that you seriously missed out! I am not quite sure where to begin. Let's start with the non spiritual aspect and work are way to the best part, God. I enjoyed the delicious cooking of the Melwoods (YUM!) I stayed in the Deman's heated trailer (AH!) and the cookhouse made a great place where two or three could gather in his name (Prayer). The weather was gorgeous but the mosquitos were out in hords, I do not think that I have seen the mosquitos so bad in 22 years of life. Basically, my legs lok like I have chicken pox. I counted last night and I have 53 bites on the lower half of my legs. Needless to say I look like a bit of a spectacle. My thoughts are with you Loro (she understands)! Food was good, fun was good, relaxation was good, and the prayer was great! There was the most amazing breakfast prepared by some of guys (we were SHOCKED!) on Sunday morning. I will post pictures as soon as I can as well as more stories.

PS. Just trying to keep you coming back!


Jessica deLeeuw said...

It was so much fun! On my left leg I counted alone 36 bites.. you want to know the only thing that works in the Benadryl cream. It's amazing, I wish I would've known about it before some of the scratching.

Allie_Marie said...

Thank you for the advice, at this point I am going CRAZY! Not that I was not already but...

j.elle said...

We're still waiting for the pictures ;)

Allie_Marie said...

I figured since no one reads my blog no one would notice... LOL. I am totally kidding, I know that people read it daily sometimes and I do thank you all. I am so very sorry for the delay, I am working on it and promise to have them posted by Monday morning.

Love to all my readers...

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