Friday, May 11, 2007

I am in Love!

I want the world to know that I am in love! Now before you draw anymore conclusions then you already have, I must explain. I cannot help myself, I am so happy, giddy, hyper and I feel like I am on cloud nine. I am so happy, so blessed, and loved by the most important person ever, things are coming together in so many areas. The one and only explanation that I have is, God. There is no other explanation for all the wonderful things and feelings. As my favorite song says, "I am a friend of God". These intense feelings of ecstatic joy make me want to squeal, I cannot stop grinning, and wish that I could portray better. Oh Well! I am elated and no one can stop me..... pphhhtttttt!



Amy St. Pierre said...

You are hilarious! I was kind of hoping though...LOL!

j.elle said...

I'm in love too! I have butterflies in my stomach just thinking of Him.