Friday, July 27, 2007

The Best Thing/s in the World

Everybody knows the saying that the best things in life are not things, well guess what? I LOVE that line cause it is so very true. The absolute best things in life are not tangible things that you an set on a shelf ans say, " You know what this 'thing' needs insurance cause if I loose it, I have lost the best thing there ever was". My list of the best has been mentioned before but it always good to review itand besides this one ismore carnal (fleshly) and fun. When you review your own, it makes you feel so happy and giddy with utter joy. So here is my small but giddy moment of review, and not necessarily in order!

1. FRIENDS (and yes this is capitalized for a reason)
2. Summer
3. Vehicles
4. Fun
5. Food (never forget that)
6. Family
7. Love (generally for people, not a significant other... I know what you all are thinking)
8. Travel
9. Ice Cream
10. Home (not a house, but a comfortable, safe place)

I could keep going but thought that I would spare you all of the ramblings of my wandering and exuberant, hmmmm... sometime kooky personality.


j.elle said...

I agree!
Special moments/time that you spend with family and friends.

Jerms said...

2 things are wrong with this list an Apostolic Holy Ghost Praising Church should be on there and WHAT NO SHOPPING!!? heh jokes..