Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Life Lessons

" The difference between school and life? In school you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson."

- Tom Podett


Katrina Holmes (Tina) said...

Very good quote and how true!!

RRGoff said...

Miss AllieMarie, I sure enjoy reading your posts. They give me so much to think about. Sometimes I'm proud of myself, but more often, I hate me!! Thanks for helping me to see the world through different eyes! Your wisdom must come straight from The Throne. Thanks...

Allie_Marie said...

Rach, it was so awesome to see that you had commented on my blog. I never want to make anyone feel bad or hate themselves. From what I see from your blog and hear from the Kings it sounds like you should be proud of yourself, more, due to the love and care you show all three of your beautiful children. I think your doing something very awesome.

Love ALicia

PS thank you for reading and your kind words.

j.elle said...

This quote really hit home for me. I think it's become my favorite. Thank you again and again...