Bitterness, generally thought of as an adult disease, is something that we have a hard time with and that small little concept called forgiveness. We feel that we are justified in the feelings that we have. As the good ole saying goes if you drink poison the person you hate is sure to die, right? Okay, so I am a little sarcastic but only to prove a point. Why is that we seem to be “justified” in today's society for bitterness? And how do we deal with or manage these “justified” feelings? Through love, which conquers all. I know that I have written about this somewhat before. But as the greatest and most important commandment I think that it bears some weight. Why is that we hold on to that which is detrimental to our physical, mental and spiritual well being? Do we choose battles, over love? Hatred or bitterness over peace with all? Originally when I started this article I questioned and asked how, why, and the solution. I had pages of information. But when all is said and done does all that matter? No, because you can know everything about it, how many times the bible mentions it, and the definition, but if you wish to get rid of it there is only one thing you need to know. Love conquers all. I am not saying that it is going to be easy, but a weeded garden is a place that all want to come. You shall bear witness by the fruit that you bear.
Bitterness imprisons life; love releases it. Bitterness paralyzes life; love empowers it. Bitterness sours life; love heals it. Bitterness blinds life; love anoints its eye.
Alicia, That is so deep and justs the fact that you are thinking and writing this way shows such growth in you as a person. Amazing! Continue to let God speak to you and thru you!
Thank you so very much! It may sound corny, but I really do mean it when I say that words cannot convey how much I appreciate your thoughts and comments.
Love Alicia
I only comment when I mean it from my heart. You are a very talented girl. you can comment on my site as well, anytime you feel to.
Love is powerful and so is bitterness. Bitterness can create such a horrible attitude for a person before the person even realizes it. I always pray that God weed out the root of bitterness before it starts to grow. Sometimes it's hard... but love can take it away.
Very exceptional writing Alicia! I am enjoying your blog. Hope you don't mind me visiting from time to time.
So great to see young people getting a handle on life, and taking it by the horns and conquering trials, tragedies, heartaches etc.
God Bless You and keep writing. That is great therapy itself... LOL
Merbear, please do drop by anytime.
I love to hear from everyone and am so glad that people seem to enjoy follow my random trails of thought and my pit-stop conclusions.
Love from my heart to yours
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