Thursday, May 8, 2008

Wind of a great thought.

Okay, so I know that I am unique but I think that many people would be able to relate to the following situation. So I am lying in bed and this great thought that came to me, one that seemed like a revelation at the time. And I said to myself you need to blog that, so write it down for tomorrow. Nah, I am too tried to get up again and besides, with such a great thought I will remember it in the morning, right? Well, as I am sure that you can guess how this is going to go, wrong! I did not remember and now I am irritated at myself cause my blog is sorely lacking recently. For which I would like to take the time to apologize for right now. I will try to be more diligent in my posting.


Matt D said...
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Matt D said...

The exact same thing happened to me! But, i'm willing to forgive you although the entire success of my life may have deppended on me recieving that bit of information. Yet, no hard feelings, even if i am now destined to be a failure the rest of my life on account of your FOOLISHNESS!!! JK.

Johnny King said...

Believe me. I can relate. Keep a pen and notebook by your bed.