Sunday, November 4, 2007

This thing we call Life

This thing we call life, taken so for granted yet the biggest part of who we are. It determines our emotions at times, our hopes and dreams at times,and causes us to believe that it shapes our future. Life is not who we are but something we must participate in. A calling for all who breath, who dare, a challenge for those who wish to maximize it's full potential. Life is the potential to be great, to be wise, to gain credibility. To say when you died, if you could write your own eulogy, that life was full. Full of great achievements, losses and gains, love, fun and giving. So say that you were loyal, honorable, trustworthy, and had a heart of gold. Life, the biggest part of who we are, used to our advantage, to make us the better people we should be.

1 comment:

merbear said...

I like that Alicia, good post!