Thursday, September 6, 2007

Just for Rachel

Rachel, this dear diary moment is for please enjoy!

Dear Diary,
With all that has been going on recently I am feeling a little overwhelmed. I wrote a little about it on my last post but thought that I would you give you a detailed and updated version of it all. I recently started a new job that although challenging (which is exactly what I want) there is so much to know/memorize that I feel filled to the brim. It is extremely cool between learning about MMBTU, flow schedules for natural gas, deal confirmations, and pipeline names. Plus with this being officially my third day at the new job, I also start night classes for Interior Design (my lifelong dream) on September 11th. With these two things going on and more from life, period, I am worrying and stressing just a little. I know I am whining a little...LOL! But I am done now. On to good things. I will try to keep you updated on how school is going and all that I am learning, though I do question if I can fit anymore in this poor little pea brain. I just returned from vacation. Beaches, sand, daydreaming and shopping. What more could a girl ask for except maybe a little more money to do more shopping. Just Kidding, although... more money is always nice. Anyway I better get to bed, big day tomorrow being Friday and all. Night.


Anonymous said...
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Katrina Holmes (Tina) said...

That is so cool, you going into interior design. Goold luck!!

RRGoff said...

Well, we've all been busy; trust me, I understand! It doesn't get any better as you get older. But, slow down long enough to throw me a nugget of wisdom once in a while. You really have a way with words, and make me think. Which is always a good thing! I have to reread you blog fairly often and still find something new everytime.

Good luck in school! You'll do well, I'm sure. Good luck at the new job! You'll be fine there, as well. It will all come together sooner than you think.

Here's to new wisdom nuggets on the way!!


Allie_Marie said...

Rachel, I think that it is the coolest that we have connected in this way. Something that I never would have dreamed. I always love to see that you have posted a comment. You are so sweet, I only hope that I live up to everything nice that you say! Thank You....

Love Alicia