Lots of times. Some times you wish you could just shut it off for a while. Ever felt like that? But then comes the good feelings. These ones you have to savour for as long as possible and recreate them when you can.
Oh Yeah, feelings are fickle, you can't really trust them. You can trust the word of God though. Feelings can change in a moment, but His word never changes and He is the same yesterday, today and forever! Love You
Lots of times. Some times you wish you could just shut it off for a while. Ever felt like that?
But then comes the good feelings. These ones you have to savour for as long as possible and recreate them when you can.
Oh Yeah, feelings are fickle, you can't really trust them. You can trust the word of God though. Feelings can change in a moment, but His word never changes and He is the same yesterday, today and forever!
Love You
Awwww, Lish...Yes, I've felt that way before!
Too cute...And uh huh i've had days like that!!
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