Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Well, to all my avid readers.... my sincere apologies for the lag in postings. I hope to return to my normal posting state although I do not think I will reach my previous record. You see my faithful posting was in part to the fact that I had the time and inspiration. Now, I have inspration and little time. But on that note, good things are in progress. So keep watch for good news and great thoughts.

Love ALicia


j.elle said...

Can't wait! :)

RRGoff said...

Hooray! I was getting worried that my computer would no longer download your posts!! Glad to hear you're just out of time. Looking forward to hearing your words of wisdom again! Love, Rachel

Anonymous said...

Good to have you back!I want to hear about all the good stuff too.(that smile face thingy)

Allie_Marie said...

Rach, I would love impart some words of wisdom if I had them, but I have none, so oyu can laugh at my attempts of knowledge if you like... LOL.. I give full permission!

Love Alicia

Allie_Marie said...

Al, glad to be back in body but not quite in mind yet, ask my girlfriends. My mind is abstract and on the fritz right now, but thank you. oh, and the smiley face is a colon and a right hand bracket aka. as a closed bracket


Allie_Marie said...

Jael, you will just have to cause I am gonna take my sweet time... LOL!

Just kidding, I love You!