The lens through which we view was something said to me in a time when I felt that I had been misjudged and misread. What I mean is that basically some people said somethings about me that to begin with, I felt they knew nothing about, and/or never hung out with me at all to even know. It becomes more apparent to me that we as a "loving family", the Church can be very judgemental and forget that we as the scriptures say, must first remove the moat from thine own eye before you can aid your brother in removing the beam from his. Not the exact words but you get the meaning. Do we or are we viewing others in a way that we would want to be viewed or portraying the wrong image. Everyone has a different interpretation of things, but does that mean your version is correct? No, it is simply how you see it. There are two different kinds of lenses through which we view. "Every lens has a focal point, where all the light directed at that lens converges or diverges and the distance between the lens and that point is called the focal length. The radius of the curvature of a lens is exactly twice the focal length. Lenses can create both real and virtual images, real being images that are actually there, virtual images only being able to be seen by looking into the lens. Images are also either inverted or erect, upside down or right side up respectively".
1. Concave: curving in or hollowed inward.
2.Convex: curving out or bulging outward.
Do we have the wrong focal point and are we construing the image/s? Do we see things as bigger then they are or farther away? I speak to myself as much as to others. From the pain inflicted by others on me, I see what I need to work on.
Good Morning, Unfortunately there will always be the people that make harsh judgements. I've been at the end of that stick many times, and have learned alot and it has made me a differant person because of the constant nasty talk of others. Now I think... it's good that I'm the topic because if it was someone else..they may get offended whereas I do not because I don't come to church to please others but I come to please God. Also I rarely talk harshly about anyone... now every1 gets caught up in it sometimes.. but I usually try to ctch myself. Also no matter where you go.. work, gym, social groups, church... there's always going to be gossipers and nasty talkers.. so take it lightly & let it run off of your back like water on a duck.
Please forgive me alicia... *sniffle* ;-) l.y.i.!!!...
good post!
Good points raised!
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