Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Children's Rhymes

" Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, guess I'll go eat worms, Long thin slimy ones, short fat juicy ones, itsy bitsy fuzzy wuzzy worms." Does anyone remember that child rhyme? Do you ever get that feeling somedays. For some reason this thought occurred to me. Why do we fell this way? Today I feel wonderful but when you think about it, very rarely is there an opportunity for no one to like you. Someone, somewhere will always love/like you. You are NEVER disliked by everyone. So, just find that one who cares and hang on to them for dear life. Sometimes, like the bible say we need to be as little children. The thoughts and gestures of the children are so heart felt and sincere. I am not suggesting you go eat worms, but Matthew 18:3 "And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." Sounds like children hold some great truths in those little minds.

I know that some of this makes no sense, Justunderstand this, be as a little child in faith and love, not maturity.

Good friends and stars

Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they are always there. - Unknown

Monday, July 30, 2007

That's What I Love About Sunday

This song is my romantice dream, if you want to call it that. I LOVE this song! I dream of this, God, family, love and memeories that go on forever. What I love about Sundays and life!

Friday, July 27, 2007

The Best Thing/s in the World

Everybody knows the saying that the best things in life are not things, well guess what? I LOVE that line cause it is so very true. The absolute best things in life are not tangible things that you an set on a shelf ans say, " You know what this 'thing' needs insurance cause if I loose it, I have lost the best thing there ever was". My list of the best has been mentioned before but it always good to review itand besides this one ismore carnal (fleshly) and fun. When you review your own, it makes you feel so happy and giddy with utter joy. So here is my small but giddy moment of review, and not necessarily in order!

1. FRIENDS (and yes this is capitalized for a reason)
2. Summer
3. Vehicles
4. Fun
5. Food (never forget that)
6. Family
7. Love (generally for people, not a significant other... I know what you all are thinking)
8. Travel
9. Ice Cream
10. Home (not a house, but a comfortable, safe place)

I could keep going but thought that I would spare you all of the ramblings of my wandering and exuberant, hmmmm... sometime kooky personality.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Cas Haley

Grell this is for you! He is better! LOL

Monday, July 23, 2007

Oh the Wisdom!

Sleep is precious when you have so little, so sleep some more when needed. - Alicia (How I feel today)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Complexities of Life

Life, people, relationships are so very complex. Individuals who feels that you can "just stop" or that you can just handle it, I believe, are very naive and small worlded (not a word I KNOW, please forgive me). If the world that you live has no complicated people, then tell me this. According to Wikipedia, "Brains can be extremely complex. For example, the human brain contains more than 100 billion neurons, each linked to as many as 10,000 other neurons." With each of those processing, the thoughts that cycle and are never claimed into your memory or current thoughts but are still processed and moved along. One way that I heard it described was that the mind has a three chamber levels of filtering. As thoughts pass the mind kinda like visitors, there are filtered unconsciously and an immediate decision is made whether to allow them into the foyer. This approved thought or memory is then passed to the sitting room until announced and acknowledged, and then to the library to entertain. All this happens in nanoseconds without you even being aware it has taken place. This is a complex mind at work in it's lowest abilities. For more cool information on the brain follow this link... and don't ever think that we are not complex. We are too cool a specimen to be simple. LOL!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Search for Happiness

You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life. - Albert Camus

Monday, July 16, 2007

The Lense Through Which We View

The lens through which we view was something said to me in a time when I felt that I had been misjudged and misread. What I mean is that basically some people said somethings about me that to begin with, I felt they knew nothing about, and/or never hung out with me at all to even know. It becomes more apparent to me that we as a "loving family", the Church can be very judgemental and forget that we as the scriptures say, must first remove the moat from thine own eye before you can aid your brother in removing the beam from his. Not the exact words but you get the meaning. Do we or are we viewing others in a way that we would want to be viewed or portraying the wrong image. Everyone has a different interpretation of things, but does that mean your version is correct? No, it is simply how you see it. There are two different kinds of lenses through which we view. "Every lens has a focal point, where all the light directed at that lens converges or diverges and the distance between the lens and that point is called the focal length. The radius of the curvature of a lens is exactly twice the focal length. Lenses can create both real and virtual images, real being images that are actually there, virtual images only being able to be seen by looking into the lens. Images are also either inverted or erect, upside down or right side up respectively".
1. Concave: curving in or hollowed inward.
2.Convex: curving out or bulging outward.

Do we have the wrong focal point and are we construing the image/s? Do we see things as bigger then they are or farther away? I speak to myself as much as to others. From the pain inflicted by others on me, I see what I need to work on.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

More Pics of "No Limits"..

I have some pics from some of the sites we visited in San Fran and thought that I would share them. Hopefully you find these interest you. LOL!

More photos...

So, you asked for more photos and here you go although I do have more, of which I have yet to post so.....


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

How Walt Disney Cartoons are made

I though that this was very cool!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Men again...

A girlfriend of mine asked me this today, "Why do they (men) have to be so complicated? Or are we the ones that are complicated?" Now you may not find that funny but I did and had to post it... So think and and enjoy this little thought.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Wow, Wow and Wow!

All those who agree with me say, Amen! I think that everyone would agree, that this week was awesome! "Another name in the Rafters" really struck a cord. Because I am a visual person, to me you can just see the names of those who are no longer here and it makes it real. All I can say is very good! I know that there are others who can put it much more eloquently. Change is here, right now. Possibilities are endless, being for God is cool,

Number 14:17
But now, I pray, let the power of the Lord be great, just as You have declared

II Chronicles 4:39
Are You not God in the heavens? And [1 Chr 29:11] are You not ruler over all the kingdoms of the nations? Power and might are in Your hand so that no one can stand against You.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Understanding Men

Full with what we will never know...

Thursday, July 5, 2007

One Picture Avlb.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Stampede quickly approaches and Youth Conference is here. The long weekend has ended (had a four day weekend), and I valiantly searching for a car, blah! My car rental ends on Friday, blah again! We went camping, the weather was gorgeous and we all got a little burnt. Which for some of us us thankfully turns to a tan. I will post pics at a later date. Speaking of pics, I have more to post of Tabor and Alana's wedding but will also do that later. So keep watching for them... The weather is supposed to be beautiful this week with Thursday forecasted as 29 degrees. Busy, busy. busy. The summer fun of BBQ's, fireworks, rafting, tennis, ice cream, and soooo much more! Yeeha!