How do we become the people that God's needs to be without losing who we are as person? What I mean is how do we balance the being human, living, loving, and still be ever doing God's work. Hopefully that makes sense what I am trying to say. How do we make the changes necessary to live a full and complete life with God? How do we make a difference in this ever changing world where we are just another sale being pushed? How do we show the love and care that we so often talk about? All these questions I think of often, and it was once gain brought to my attention. How can we say that we love, but have yet to learn the lesson that " love is a verb, an action, something that we do"
(thanks Dave). Love is shaking that person's hand, giving them a hug or genuinely caring about them as a person not another seat filled. They have dreams, desires and feelings. How do we change those feeling of familiarity with our surroundings and where we are in life. Can we really say that we are content when we we have the overpowering feeling that there is more out there. I know that we are whole in Christ, but why is there still this pressing feeling that we can and are better then where we currently rest. Why am I not content? Is it cause I know that that there is more but I am too lazy or scared to get and move? I am afraid of the changes and what they will bring? Can our small mind not comprehend the possibilities? Are as loving as we think we are? Are we as open and vulnerable as we should be? I know that these are alot questions, and I as I said I think of these alot. I feel in a constant state of unrest, almost burden like, but unsure of what for. I fell restless and unsettled, but to what end? God help!
God Bless
My apologies, this particular article is not the most well written and easy to understand but it really comes from heart. Things that are hard to say and convey, often mean the most, in the sense that you are a little overwhelmed and find it hard to think beyond the current thoughts. I have not really proofread this, but simply put words to screen. Please pray for me/with me. I guess that you could consider this article a bit of a personal cry.
Please know that you are not alone. Maybe I'll have more to come. This is a hard to put into words subject. Again, please understand that you are not alone.
Shine in the corner where you are. Have you ever heard that line? As you go about living and loving and being the human being you are, take the opportunities to make a difference along the way. Enjoy your journey and the pleasant things along the way and make a difference whenever you can. The opportuites are there when you are aware of them. This can all be done while just living your human life. I know this is not really coherent, but I hope it helps.
Love you Alicia
Tina, thank you for that. I had never heard that saying before and it rings very true. I guess I kinda need to read my own blog,
Live the best you can in the moment that you are in. Thank you for such a sincere and thoughtful comment, it means alot. It helps to know that you are never alone in anything, someone has been there, done that or is currently going through it.
I guess I just need to remember, being who you are makes the greatest difference to others. Make sure that you are the best that you can be. Loving, caring, giving and longsuffering with charity in your heart.
Love you Tina, thank you.
Hmmmm.... very thought provoking! Let me see if I can respond because I know exactly how you are feeling. I have been there, done that, bought the tee shirt, even watched the video! I think life in general and as a Christian is a constant changing, shaping, renewing, growing. Yes, I know that Christ is the rock, the foundation of our lives. Really and truly He is! He is what makes going through the process possible. He truly is our anchor. That does not mean we become stagnant and shrivelled in spirt, mind or body.
I have heard another way of putting Tina's saying. Bloom where you are planted. Just remember to fertilize the plant, grow roots, bloom and the awful part is sometimes we need pruning and ouch that hurts! Yeild to God as He molds you and shapes you. In Tina's corner I would think improve the light, keep the corner clean, decorate the corner, make it appealing to others but sometimes that corner needs cleaning and reaaranging. I think He allows us to feel that dissatisfaction so we will stretch ourselves, reach out to grow.
Analyze the feelings. What exactly do you want to change. What are you dissatisfied with? How do you want to be challenged. Are you ready for a career change? To what, when. What would it take. What are the possibilities? What could really work? Take that dissatisfaction and make it a concrete entity on paper. Go check the possibilities. SAIT, U of C, Columbia College, DeVry?
Are you dissatified spiritually? Think about your dissatisfaction as an answer to someone's prayers. They are praying for you to have a deeper walk. You wouldn't do anyting about it unless you were dissatisfied. What would it take? To get that deeper walk, to be more conscious of souls? Starting with a set prayer time or saying you will not go to bed until you have spent time with God and His word?? Going to the altar and praying with someone instead of sitting back? Sometimes it starts with making extemely conscious decisions to greet someone, to make them feel welcome or cared for. I have written things on my hand so that I won't forget to do them. Seem contrived? Yep, but those things get done, those people get touched and you are making a difference in someone's life. I find it is like exercise you have to set a time and a place and work at it starting small until it comes naturally.
God is not going to ask you to fly a plane up north and pick up people for church if you don't have a pilot's license. Or give a million dollars. But you can use your car. You can share a meal with someone, spend time with someone, give what you can. Be conscious of others. He will work within your passions, your willingness and your ability. What do you do that you can include others in for outreach and/or caring and support? You have a lot of good attributes and abilities and you need to consider these as you sort through everything as well.
Want to be a missionary? Impossible? What about AIMers
I have no idea where your thoughts are wandering but Be careful though that you direct that dissatisfaction and you don't allow it to direct you. I think this is when people turn to substances trying to obliterate the feeling rather than work through it and conquer it.
Why are you feeling this way? Reflect on yourself, where you are in the multiple aspects of you life. Where do you want to go, to be, to do? Analyze it sort through it and then figure out something to do about it. Start with small steps.
Talk it out with people like Tina and other friends. write it out. Pray about it. Sort through it and take what is useful for growth and chuck the rest.
Know that you are definitely not alone in this and where ever you turn there is help available.
Know that you are very special and God has wonderful things in store for you in your life!
Love you lots
PS I don't even remember why I came to your blog! I think I was looking for a connection to someone else's. I do go on don't I. =)
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