Friday, April 18, 2008

Please stop talking!!!

Take a deep breath and fill your lungs, inhaling through your nose, hold for 3 seconds and release through the mouth slowly. Feel better? Now stop reading and just listen............(don't worry, I will wait for you). ....................................................................... What do you hear? Do you hear the world passing you by or you passing the world. I think that it is one of those glass half full, glass half empty things, you either see it or you don't. I think that we often get lost in the hustle and bustle, and we need a moment to take a deep breath and listen. Listen to the falling snow, the laughing kids, the singing mouths, the honking horns, listen to the smiles, the growing rose and the gathering rain. Now before you judge me and say that I must have it great sun shining day here in my world, let me say, I am STRESSED out. The roads are horrible despite the beautiful snow and work is driving me crazy despite the fact that they pay for my labor. That said I took a moment to listen to the snow fall, I took a moment to hear the smile in a mother's voice and I even took a moment to listen to the silence of being with God. So... please stop talking and listen with me to the quiet things.