Thursday, July 1, 2010

New Format and Direction!!!

So... as you know I now have a new space to call my own. Well not totally mine! I share it with the best hubby ever and I wanna make our curent living location a home that is us. It needs to be comfy, inviting, warm, with personality and oh so charming!

And... I thought maybe people might want to see what I have done or am doing. There will be decorating, sewing, painting, and some... oh what is the world .... furniture redo's, re-vamps, or revives. I will include before and after photos, details, and attempt to explain what I did.

Hopefully... you will enjoy the changes and may find either inspiration or happiness in the changes like I will .

Thursday, January 28, 2010

What is the difference between complacent and complaisant?

Complaisant means 'eager to please' and 'showing a cheerful willingness to fulfill others' wishes'. Complacent is quite the opposite, 'being pleased with oneself; contented to a fault'. However, they share one meaning, which may cause them to be confused - each also carries the sense of 'obliging, agreeable'. One could differentiate the two words by saying that complaisant is the active adverb and complacent denotes a more passive feeling. Complaisant was first recorded in 1647, deriving from Latin complacere. Complacent comes from the same Latin word, but is not found in writing until 1660.
Courtesy of